Thursday, April 2, 2009

I guess its time to start blogging.

So after carefull consideration, I have decided that I should start 'blogging'. Ok, so who am I trying to doesnt take a whole lot of convincing to get me to try a new website. Lets see, I have Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and now a blogspot! HA! Maybe I'm just trying to keep up with technology. Now that I'm a mom, I need to make sure I keep ahead of the times so my 16 month old daughter doesnt pass me up by the age of 3. No, basically I have 2 people to thank for this new found adventure...Nikki and Chantel. I should say that Trevor thanks you, as he sees it as just one more distraction for me to keep from getting my 'work' done around the house. PLEASE!! As long as Kinley still has all her body parts by the end of the day, I consider it a day well spent! :)

So I guess this is my first blog so I should run thru a quick update on my life. Dont worry, for all you workers out there I will keep it short and sweet. Trevor is still at DBM and love/hating every day. Hey, it pays the bills and lets me stay home with my baby. Which basically covers me. I stay home and make sure that everything is taken care of. Kinley turned 1 in November and is getting SO funny! love her!! Julie (my little sis) is staying with us and going to Gene Juarez. What a great joy its been to have her around. Good times!! Alright, thats it. Thats our life in a nut shell, basically, just like my headline says "all of it is ordinary to everyone but me"!


  1. Yea! an easy way to keep up with you guys! ARe you coming for 4th this year? I can't wait to see Kinley and see how bid she is now.

  2. Whoo hoo! I didn't know you twittered ;)

  3. Welcome to the wonderful world of Blogging!! I love it, I find I get a lot off my chest! Can't wait to read more!
