Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day at the Zoo...

I bet your wondering what we did for Mothers Day weekend. Well, even if you're not, I'm going to tell you all about it anyways! :)

Friday after Trevor got home from work, we headed out to the Bolens for BBQ steaks and potato salad (my favorite and a must have for BBQ's). It was nice outside and fun to just sit around and talk with friends. Saturday morning, Trevor did his normal summer Saturday chore. Yes, he washed cars! I swear if DBM doesn't work out, he could open up his own detail shop. Eww...maybe I should keep that to myself. I don't need him getting wild ideas! Anyways, that afternoon we watched my cousin Brandon play a little baseball up in Enumclaw. Its always fun to watch kids play sports, baseball is my favorite because its outside and its generally nice weather. That evening, we ordered pizza and rented Marley and Me. What a GREAT movie. Its been awhile since I have had a good cry during a movie. Anyone who loves dogs and hasn't seen this movie really should go rent it. I realized about 1/4 way thru that Marley had to have been Gabbies Mama in a previous life. Everything Marley did wrong, I swear Gabbie has done something equally naughty....

The vet told us at Gabbie's last check-up that we should probably cut back on her food servings since she has another source of food now, AKA Kinley. Gabbie is in heaven when Kinley's in her chair, and the funniest thing is that Kinley actually shares her food with her.

They share everything from bananas to grilled cheese...see....

yes that is her tongue!

Or how about the time I came home from an early morning Christmas shopping sale to find Trevor still sleeping in bed. The room looked like a feather factory!! Gabbie had chewed up every pillow and completely demolished the down comforter. Dont tell me he didnt know what she was up to!

No picture to compare because I was more worried about restuffing my pillows!

Or how about the time Gabbie, who was about 9 months at the time, decide to get up in the middle of the night and eat a 1 pound bag of pink and white M&M's. Thank God Safeway is 24 hours, and thank God Trevor went to get the hydrogen peroxide and not me :) Looking back at it now, I'm guessing she was just PMS-ing. Typical girl!!

And then there is the millions spent at Victoria Secret. Basically, if you wore it, she will eat it! When we pick up dog do-do in the yard everyone has to go out play 'name that thong'! Some of them could be washed and sewn back together! ok, that's a little gross!

Again, no picture. Unless you want me to go out to the yard and take a picture of a piece of thong. I'm pretty sure I can find one!

Anyways, at the end I realized that even with all those awful devilish things Gabbie does EVERY DAY, I would/will miss her like crazy when its her time to go.

Ok, on to much happier things. On Sunday, I was awoken to the tasty aroma of Trevors french toast and bacon! YUM!! When I came out into the living room...this is what I was greeted with...

The biggest Mom "Bwoon" the store had! That morning we went to the Point Defiance Zoo. It was a lot of fun. Who would have know there would be so many "babies" and "Puppies" at a zoo!! Its so funny because she talks in this high pitched voice whenever there are "babies" or "puppies"! Funny though, come to think of it, there were not any "Gabbies" at the zoo. I guess she knows that one for sure!

We had a really great day. Who ever invented Mothers day, and Fathers Day on that note, is brilliant. Probably hanging out with the same people that created vinyl siding and orange cones :) Hope you guys all had a great weekend. Today is Monday and I'm already looking forward to next weekend...going to see Larry the Cable Guy...GET ER DONE!!!


  1. Happy Mother's Day! It's so nice to see some pictures of you and Kinley together. Seems like you're always behind the camera!

  2. Looks like you guys had a ton of fun! Are you coming up for 4th?
