Thursday, June 4, 2009

summer bliss

Its been absolutely beautiful here the last couple of weeks. The sun is so warm, feels almost like Vegas. Now if I can just figure out how to get the slot machines in the banks, grocery stores and gas stations I'd be set! We have been pretty busy lately. Trevor and I bought a new boat, a 2001 Mastercraft prostar 209. Its big, a lot bigger than our little 1990 prostar 190, aka the corvette on water. But the whole boat dilemma is a whole nother story all in itself. There is no need to write depressing things on here when there are so many other good things to share! Where was I, o the weather. We cut down a few trees in our back yard. Cedars, about 90 years old (please don't turn me in!!) They were great shade trees, but that's about it. The crows had taken up residency in them, so the bird shit on the deck getting ridiculous, let alone the squawking at 4 am. and the grass wouldn't grow under them, something to do with the acidic soil? One of Trevor's co-workers used to be a logger, so he brought over his gear and went to work. He took the logs and we disposed of the limbs. Here is the story in pictures...

Being nice out is sort of a catch twenty-two. I say that because my poor girl sits at the slider with her shoes crying to go outside. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being outside, but when its 90, I would rather sit inside where there is AC! You may ask yourself "what is outside that's so fun and exciting for little miss Kinley?" Well, let me answer that for you...

Wow that was a lot of pictures! She loves the sprinkler! Its the first thing she goes to when we get outside. I don't really understand why, I mean yeah its hot outside, but that hose water is darn cold!


  1. Ahh, I love those sprinkler pics, those frilly bottoms are precious! The deck looks great, love the railing, and the with the trees gone it looks a lot better. Even if it is sad...sniff sniff. What are you doing with the wood? I might need a few pieces if you haven't gotten rid of it already! We'll be down in your area Saturday night, might do a drive you'll be on the Eastside though huh?

  2. We will be around! The guy that cut down the trees took all the wood. that was part of the deal :) but please still stop! we will be here all weekend. Kinley would love to see her long lost uncle bryan and auntie nikki!
